
Sam Haselby

Senior Editor, Aeon+Psyche

Sam is a historian of early America with a particular interest in religion and politics. He was a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows and has been a faculty member at the American University of Beirut, the American University in Cairo and at Columbia University in New York City. He was a Senior Executive Producer at Al Jazeera America and is the author of The Origins of American Religious Nationalism (paperback, 2016). @samhaselby

Edited by Sam Haselby

Painting of two weasels playing among trees in a vibrantly coloured landscape.

Communication and language


For this unsung philosopher, metaphors make life an adventure

Susanne K Langer understood the indispensable power of metaphors, which allow us to say new things with old words

by Sue Curry Jansen & Jeff Pooley

Painting of a man in British colonial attire with an Indian child attendant holding a sword, by a tree overlooking a river landscape.

Human rights and justice


True solidarity requires Burke’s ‘sympathetic revenge’

Social media utterances aren’t enough. Burke’s stand against colonial injustice shows we must confront our own complicity

by Jack Jacobs

Photo of a woman with tattoos taking a selfie on a smartphone wearing an off-shoulder dress in front of glass doors.

Virtues and vices


Social comparison is driving us to despair. It doesn’t have to

In the social media age, it seems impossible not to measure ourselves against others – but we can dodge the worst pitfalls

by Wojciech Kaftański

Scene from a film with three characters walking from a futuristic spacecraft in a city setting.

Progress and the future


We need the toolkit of utopian thinking, now more than ever

Many dismiss utopian ideas. But imagining a better world is a vital political skill for tackling today’s challenges

by Caitlin Rajan

Painting of a seated man looking at a small dog, which has its paw on his knee in a room with a decorated door.

Social history


How the law soothed broken hearts in 19th-century America

What does a deep dive into the transcripts of historical seduction trials reveal about how we account for hurt feelings?

by Jinal Dadiya

Photo of astronauts in spacesuits conducting moon surface activities near a lunar module in a studio setting.

Technology and media


Why deepfakes pose less of a threat than many predict

Applying Descartes’ sceptical puzzle to deepfake videos reveals the challenge they present is one that we can rise to

by Keith Raymond Harris

Photo of a casino scene with people, poker chips on a table, and a man lighting a cigar. A woman in a blue top smiles.

Work and vocation


The ways Sugar Babies navigate two roles: lover and employee

‘Sugaring’ involves the commodification of romance – presenting a puzzle of love, labour and autonomy for those involved

by Brynn Valentine

Photo of a young girl doing homework at a table with adult guidance, holding a pencil over an open notebook.

Parenting and families


Why are tiger parents willing to trade love for success?

Growing up under tiger parenting, I’ve seen that pushing a child to succeed often fails – and isn’t worth the emotional cost

by Louis Li

Photo of a diverse crowd holding American flags and banners during a street protest, with buildings in the background.



Does embracing local customs help immigrants feel at home?

Moving from Belgrade to Toronto, learning the social ‘rules’ fostered my sense of belonging. But there’s an important caveat

by Ljiljana Radenović

Black and white photo of a woman cooking in a kitchen with pasta and mushrooms on the counter.

Eating disorders


Learning to cook taught me that self-care isn’t selfish

In healing my relationship with food and cooking, I saw how caring for myself was the first step toward caring for others

by Céline Leboeuf

Painting of three children in a field of flowers with trees in the background under a cloudy sky.

History of psychology and psychiatry


In psychoanalysis, nostalgia was a sickness. It needn’t be

Nostalgia was, in Freud’s day, an illness steeped in the past. Today, it can be a joyful emotion that reframes the future

by Agnes Arnold-Forster

Ancient marble statue of a headless Hermaphroditus, draped lower garment, against a plain background.



There is nothing new about gender fluidity and nonconformity

From Mesopotamia and ancient Greece to precolonial India and medieval London, gender has always been more than a binary

by Chris Wheatley