Cooperation and collaboration
The body and physical health
What I wish more people knew about deadly allergic reactions
Living with a deadly food allergy, I’ve discovered staying safe involves navigating other people’s doubts and expectations
by Hannah Waldfogel
Communication and language
Recognise the point of giving advice and you can do it better
A philosophical look at advising highlights what makes it a distinct form of interaction – and why it often goes wrong
by Joshua Habgood-Coote
Compassion and empathy
How to see the humanity in anyone
Practising a form of ‘deep curiosity’ can help you connect with yourself and others, even if they’re on the ‘other side’
by Scott Shigeoka
Altered states
After an apocalyptic storm, survivors band together on a surreal journey
Directed by Benh Zeitlin
Same-sex sexual behaviour in mammals evolved to keep the peace
Although these new findings can’t tell us much about human sexuality, they could help to solve an evolutionary paradox
by Shayla Love
Compassion and empathy
Improve your relationships with the science of perspective-taking
Social psychology research is breaking down the process of perspective-taking and revealing ways to help us get along better
by Hunter Gehlbach
Civic life
How to be a hands-on citizen
You can be so much more than a well-informed consumer: it is in your (and our) power to change society from the ground up
by Jon Alexander
Cooperation and collaboration
Defining social trust is a first step toward nurturing it
Researchers agree that social trust causes many positive social outcomes. But they differ on its definition and causes
by Kevin Vallier
Communication and language
How do good conversations work? Philosophy has something to say
The idea of what makes for a successful conversation is always tricky, and has always been contested by philosophers
by Stephanie Ross
Cooperation and collaboration
How to have better arguments
Arguing well isn’t just about winning. A philosophical approach will help you and the other person get much more out of it
by Scott Aikin & John Casey