Technology and media

Technology and media
Let’s use bold, beautiful hearing aids to celebrate deafness
Hearing aids have always been designed to be concealed, yet they’re a beautiful affirmation of deafness – and should be seen
by Jaipreet Virdi

Technology and media
To be more tech-savvy, borrow these strategies from the Amish
With their focus on values and intentionality, the Amish offer a lesson in thinking critically about digital technology
by Alex Mayyasi

Social anxiety
How to use social media if you have social anxiety
If anxiety derails your attempts to share and connect with others online, there are steps you can take to stay in the loop
by Emma Warnock-Parkes

Progress and the future
Stick figures meet existential angst in this acclaimed, darkly comedic short
Directed by Don Hertzfeldt

Technology and media
Why teenagers are deliberately seeking brain rot on TikTok
Talking to teens reveals a hidden sophistication to their media use. Rather than policing it, maybe we could learn from it
by Emilie Owens

Sex and sexuality
The sex tech to come could offer more than ‘the real thing’
Sexbots and other artificial lovers might arouse discomfort, but their continued advances could have unexpected upsides
by Rob Brooks

Emerging therapies
How to choose a mental health app
Of the thousands of apps, many are poor quality – but there are a few gems you can trust. Follow these steps to find them
by Margaret Emerson & John Torous

Body heat illuminates a breathtaking dance of light, movement and humanity
Directed by Philippe Baylaucq

Technology and media
What does switching from paper to screens mean for how we read?
It’s well established that we absorb less well when reading on screen. But why? And can we do something to improve it?
by Lili Yu, Sixin Liao, Jan-Louis Kruger & Erik D Reichle

Work and vocation
Kafka warned us: surveillance turns the watched into watchers
Surveillance changes us in powerful ways, as Franz Kafka warned. Neither the watched nor their watcher escapes unscathed
by George Alliger

Human and machine worlds converge into dizzying, dreamlike visual art
Directed by Robert Seidel