Meaning and the good life
How to make your life feel more meaningful
Existential psychology offers specific ways to find meaning, giving you a buffer against despair in these anxious times
by Steven Heine
Spirituality and religion
How to find new spiritual practices
Even if religion isn’t for you, there’s a world of rituals and tools to lift yourself up and connect to something greater
by Morgan Shipley
How to express your grief
The initial shock might be over. But you need time and space to ‘ride the wave’ of grief if you are to find a sense of peace
by Sue Morris
How to write a love poem
Flirtatious texts are soon forgotten. Learn to express your feelings in a beautiful way that will make a lasting impression
by Dan Simpson
Change and self-development
How to thrive after leaving your religion
It can be distressing, but liberating too. Use these tips from clinical practice and personal experience to emerge stronger
by Micah Rees
Rituals and celebrations
How to set yourself free with ritual
For a life of harmonious ease, find the rhythm in the everyday: make your world your temple and submit to its sacred ritual
by Alan Jay Levinovitz
Wonder and the sublime
How to revive your sense of wonder
That childhood urge to ask ‘how’ and ‘why’ usually fades. But we can all learn to rediscover the joys of wide-eyed discovery
by Frank Keil
Mindfulness and meditation
How to think like a phenomenologist
Doing Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological reduction will transform your view of the world and your own consciousness
by D J Hobbs
How to know if you’re addicted
Do you feel uneasy about your drinking or drug use? Recognising the signs of addiction can be the first step to recovery
by Rebecca E Williams
Meaning and the good life
How to be useless
Follow the Daoist way – reclaim your life and happiness by letting go of the need to produce, strive or serve a purpose
by Helen De Cruz & Pauline Lee
Parenting and families
How Chinese philosophy can help you parent
Confucianism and Daoism suggest ways to guide your children toward meaning and fulfilment rather than wealth and prestige
by Erin Cline
The body and physical health
How to breathe
Whether your aim is improved health, mental calm or achieving transcendence, breathing techniques can help you get there
by Martin Petrus