
Therapies and practical advice

A woman sits alone at a wooden desk in a modern office with large glass windows, reflecting buildings and trees outside.

Cognitive and behavioural therapies


How to stop living on auto-pilot

Are you going through the motions? Use these therapy techniques to set meaningful goals and build a ‘life worth living’

by Kiki Fehling

an anoymous figure is welcomed in to a warm coloured therapists room



How to get ready for therapy

Whatever brings you to a therapist’s office, taking these proactive steps as you begin can help you make the most of it

by Rochelle Frank

A man hugs his son in the light of a sunny day coming through a window in a darkened room

Violence and aggression


How to end a toxic relationship

Worried something is badly off with your relationship? Here’s how to detoxify the dynamics or, if necessary, get out

by Gunnur Karakurt & Rachel Croce

Dalmatian with a collar lounges on a worn, plush sofa, its front leg and head hanging over the cushion. Black-and-white photograph.

Resilience and flexibility


How to relax your own rules

Are you so strict with yourself that it’s become a burden? Gain freedom and flexibility with these therapeutic techniques

by Danielle Doucette

Women smiling and chopping vegetables together in a cosy kitchen, with fresh ingredients and cooking utensils on the table.

Couples and family therapy


How to survive and thrive through divorce

Take heart: there are ways to protect yourself and any children involved, and prepare for more joyful chapters ahead

by Lisa Herrick

Person practising a headstand on a sandy beach near the ocean, with a beach bag and towel beside them. Waves are visible in the background.

Body-based therapy


How to use yoga for emotional wellbeing

Yoga offers a unique whole-body approach to regulating your emotions. And it’s easier to get started than you might think

by Rebecca E Williams & Pamela Crane

A soft-toned painting of a serene face with closed eyes and long hair, partially submerged in water with a muted greyish-blue background.

Emerging therapies


How to know if hypnosis is for you

Even experts can be confused about clinical hypnosis. So here’s all you need to help decide if you might benefit from it

by Eric Spiegel

Two women in hijabs sit on a park bench in autumn, one smiling with outstretched arms, surrounded by fallen leaves and trees.



How to feel less lonely as you get older

Work and family life are no longer so busy and life can suddenly seem empty. Here are some good ways to stay connected

by Carrie Ditzel

Black and white photo of a bare tree with two people in the distance, one holding an umbrella, against a cloudy sky.

Couples and family therapy


How to save a romantic relationship

Even couples on the brink of separation can find a way forward. See what’s possible with some ‘nonbinding experiments’

by Peter Fraenkel

Person sitting on grass, sketching in a notebook with a pen.

Emerging therapies


How to get to know all (the parts) of you

An emerging form of psychotherapy offers some surprising ways to think about who you are and work towards self-acceptance

by Derek Scott