

Photo of a person in a white vest and jacket with folded hands and a tattoo, viewed through a mesh screen.

Conflict and conflict resolution


Restorative justice fits human nature more than retribution does

As recognised by ancestral wisdom and Indigenous practices, our need to repair relationships is a deep-rooted instinct

by Flavia Corso

Photo of a person standing before a large, colourful cosmic map display with clumps of blue and orange speckles.

Virtues and vices


The medieval notion that shows why even experts should be humble

Nicholas of Cusa and others saw the importance of ‘learned ignorance’ or recognising there is always something more to learn

by Christopher M Bellitto

Photo of people studying at desks in a library with a large abstract painting on the wall above them.

Virtues and vices


Why so many plagiarists are in denial about what they did wrong

So often people claim ‘I didn’t mean to’, yet they fail to realise that plagiarism is more like speeding than theft

by Philip Reed

Photo of two people meditating on a road in front of a police van in an urban setting with a few bystanders.

Mindfulness and meditation


Here’s what to know about using meditation to be a better person

Meditating has long been thought to enhance morality. But the type of meditation – and the aspects of morality – matter

by Jakob Hohwy & Kevin Berryman

Photo of a man with a serious expression sitting at a table holding a fork in a kitchen setting.

Stories and literature


What is it about film and TV antiheroes that’s so captivating?

They’re entertaining, of course – but research highlights a deeper psychological reason viewers are drawn to the bad guys

by Ana Gantman & Jordan Wylie

Animated character with a long nose and a yellow hat, smiling in a blue background.

Communication and language


These are the mental processes required to tell a convincing lie

The cognitive work involved in lying is relevant to lie detection and could help explain why some people are better liars

by Molly MacMillan

Photo of an elderly person’s hands clasped together, wearing an orange jumper, with focus on the wrinkles and texture.



Efforts to expand the lifespan ignore what it’s like to get old

As modern medicine extends the human lifespan, quality of life is not keeping up, raising thorny ethical dilemmas

by Robert S Gable

Photo of a small porcelain statue of a serene figure in robes, holding a vase on a dashboard with a blurred background.



Morality aside, there’s another good reason to love your enemies

Wishing your antagonists well can be seen as a moral obligation or a misguided ideal. But it might serve your interests

by Alex Moran