Compassion and empathy

Compassion and empathy
How do we start learning to ‘read’ other people’s minds?
Studies of young children give us insight into the building blocks of an ability that most of us use every day
by Josephine Ross & Martin Doherty

What a real-life ‘trolley problem’ reveals about morality
We used an electric-shock dilemma to test the strength of people’s moral principles when faced with real-world complexities
by Dries Bostyn

Compassion and empathy
How to see the humanity in anyone
Practising a form of ‘deep curiosity’ can help you connect with yourself and others, even if they’re on the ‘other side’
by Scott Shigeoka

A filmmaker’s never-realised ideas become an exploration of self-doubt
Directed by Cameron Nicoll

Cuteness has a powerful pull, and it’s written all over your face
Our typical responses to cute things might seem cheery and unserious, but they signal something vital about us
by Makenzie O’Neil

Progress and the future
The empathy gap that is imperilling future generations
To protect our descendants from catastrophe, we must overcome the emotional hurdles that make it easy for us to look away
by Matthew Coleman

How to get the most out of caregiving
Giving care is hard, but it’s one of the most meaningful things you can do. Here’s how to change up your perspective
by Elissa Strauss

Compassion and empathy
How one man saved 160 lives with an extended hand and a warm cup of tea
Directed by Alec Green and Finbar Watson

Communication and language
Why that hard conversation will probably go better than you think
If you’ve delayed raising a touchy issue, fearing it will backfire, new research could give you the confidence you need
by Matt Huston

Difficult emotions
What to do when you’re feeling upset about being disliked
It’s an unavoidable part of life. Here are some tried and tested ways to get more comfortable with someone not liking you
by Ahona Guha

Emotion regulation
How to take the high road
When someone provokes you, it’s easy to react without thinking. Learn to slow down and respond in ways you’ll be proud of
by Alissa Hebbeln & Russell Kolts