
Stigma and taboo

Abstract painting of a dark silhouette on a textured brown and blue background with areas of peeling, suggesting age or decay.

Personality disorders


People with BPD need compassion yet even clinicians stigmatise them

Both clinicians and laypeople misunderstand and stigmatise borderline personality disorder. Those who have it deserve better

by Sara Rose Masland & Hannah E A Peeples

Photograph of a person lying on a floral sofa wearing jeans socks and an ankle monitor with a red cushion nearby.

Stigma and taboo


The families of people who commit sex crimes need care and support

While they deal with a kind of grief, the relatives of those who harm others sexually are subject to blame and judgment

by Azadeh Nematy

Photo of a child and adult blowing dandelion seeds in a green outdoor setting, both looking joyful and focused.



Autistic people shouldn’t have to use ‘camouflage’ to fit in

If society were more tolerant and understanding of autistic people, they could ditch their camouflage and be themselves

by Francesca Happé

Black and white photo of a topless person covering their chest with a hand wearing a bracelet.

The body and physical health


I chose to go flat after breast cancer surgery. I have no regrets

Breast reconstruction following surgery to remove cancer owes more to the cosmetic industry than to medical science

by Sarah Cretch

Photo of a busy city street with blurred pedestrians and taxis at dusk, reflected in a glass window.



A few simple steps could empower the world’s largest minority

What makes people like me disabled is not our bodies but the societies we live in. Let me inspire a rethink in your attitudes

by Paras Shah

Photo of a person lying on a bed with a small dog on their chest. A sunset picture is mounted on the wall behind them.

Psychiatric medication


The media bias against antidepressants is harming patients

Antidepressants work and they can complement psychotherapy, yet the media coverage of the drugs is overwhelmingly negative

by Anushka Pathak & Lizzie Lim

Photo of a fluffy black dog lying on a sofa with a person in a red checkered shirt sitting behind on the left.

Personality disorders


There’s a growing case for renaming ‘personality disorders’

The concept of personality disorders has been around for centuries but it’s flawed and needs both a rethink and a new name

by Matt Huston

A blurred black cat jumps on dirt ground in the foreground, with a distant statue of Pope John Paul II with arms outstretched against the sky in the background

Values and beliefs


Cultural taboos arise from a basic feature of the human mind

Unquestioned community rules on marriage, dining and even black cats often stem from our hunger to explain random events

by Kevin (Ze) Hong