Stigma and taboo
Let’s avoid talk of ‘chemical imbalance’: it’s people in distress
The ‘chemical imbalance’ trope is appealing but dehumanising, and has heightened stigma towards people with mental illness
by Joseph E Davis
History of ideas
Worried you’re not normal? Don’t be – there’s no such thing
The history of ‘normal’ tells a tale of prejudice and bad maths. The most usual thing about people is how much we differ
by Sarah Chaney
Personality disorders
Popular views of narcissism are distorted and too pessimistic
As therapists, we’ve treated people with narcissistic personality disorder. We have a more hopeful story to tell about them
by Giancarlo Dimaggio & Igor Weinberg
Stories and literature
There is nothing so deep as the gleaming surface of the aphorism
The aphorism has been a way to express strong feelings without placing emotional demands on the listener
by Noreen Masud
Personality disorders
People with BPD need compassion yet even clinicians stigmatise them
Both clinicians and laypeople misunderstand and stigmatise borderline personality disorder. Those who have it deserve better
by Sara Rose Masland & Hannah E A Peeples
Stigma and taboo
The families of people who commit sex crimes need care and support
While they deal with a kind of grief, the relatives of those who harm others sexually are subject to blame and judgment
by Azadeh Nematy
Autistic people shouldn’t have to use ‘camouflage’ to fit in
If society were more tolerant and understanding of autistic people, they could ditch their camouflage and be themselves
by Francesca Happé
The body and physical health
I chose to go flat after breast cancer surgery. I have no regrets
Breast reconstruction following surgery to remove cancer owes more to the cosmetic industry than to medical science
by Sarah Cretch
A few simple steps could empower the world’s largest minority
What makes people like me disabled is not our bodies but the societies we live in. Let me inspire a rethink in your attitudes
by Paras Shah
Psychiatric medication
The media bias against antidepressants is harming patients
Antidepressants work and they can complement psychotherapy, yet the media coverage of the drugs is overwhelmingly negative
by Anushka Pathak & Lizzie Lim
Personality disorders
There’s a growing case for renaming ‘personality disorders’
The concept of personality disorders has been around for centuries but it’s flawed and needs both a rethink and a new name
by Matt Huston
Values and beliefs
Cultural taboos arise from a basic feature of the human mind
Unquestioned community rules on marriage, dining and even black cats often stem from our hunger to explain random events
by Kevin (Ze) Hong