
Fear and phobia

Painting of a person walking through a door from a fiery, chaotic landscape into a peaceful outdoor scene with grass and an ocean view.

Worry and rumination


How to defuse catastrophic thoughts

Do you often fear the worst is going to happen? Use these therapeutic techniques to think more rationally and calmly

by Lucia Tecuta

A skull adorned with colourful flowers, a butterfly, musical notes, a candle, and a bone set against a soft background.



How to get more comfortable with death

Angst about mortality is part of being human, but if it’s interfering with your life, there are proven ways to dial it down

by Rachel Menzies

Illustration of a person walking along a beach as a large wave crashes nearby, with a tree branch in the upper right corner and cliffs in the background.

Fear and phobia


How to handle paranoid thoughts

Feel like you’re being watched, judged or talked about? These exercises will help you assess the situation and calm your mind

by Antonella Trotta