History of emotions

History of emotions
Neuroscience has much to learn from Hume’s philosophy of emotions
According to philosopher David Hume, it takes a lifetime to get our emotions right. Neuroscience has much to learn from him
by Richard C Sha

Human rights and justice
The history of humiliation points to the future of human dignity
Humiliation requires a complicit audience. To become truly ‘decent societies’, we need to educate people against joining in
by Ute Frevert

How to think differently about love
Poets, philosophers and scientists all tell stories about the nature of romantic love. It can be liberating to critique them
by Arina Pismenny

History of emotions
Schadenfreude: why do we find joy in the pain felt by others?
A brief history of schadenfreude – taking pleasure in the misfortune of another – from ancient China to Charlie Chaplin
by David P Barash

Working, flirting and sex: courtship in 18th-century France
Flirting, sex and affection: working-class couples courting in 18th-century France show they are not so different from today
by Julie Hardwick

History of ideas
How 12th-century Genoese merchants invented the idea of risk
From the docks of 12th-century Genoa to the gambling tables of today, risk is a story that we tell ourselves about the future
by Karla Mallette

Rituals and celebrations
Rituals create community by translating our love into action
For the Confucian Xunzi, love and gratitude are not just feelings in response to events but possibilities for social action
by Curie Virág