
History of ideas

An ancient Greek clay jug with red stripes and inscriptions against a dark background.

Communication and language


I am an article about the speaking objects of ancient Greece

Talkative drinking cups and threatening oil flasks tell us how the written word asserted its authority in an oral society

by Teddy Fassberg

Photo of sunlit green leaves and branches against a bright blue sky.

Wonder and the sublime


The most profound wonder is stirred by what is most ordinary

Rare moments of wonder at the mere existence of things – rather than the dramatic or new – involve perceiving with the soul

by Maria Balaska

Ancient marble statue of a headless Hermaphroditus, draped lower garment, against a plain background.



There is nothing new about gender fluidity and nonconformity

From Mesopotamia and ancient Greece to precolonial India and medieval London, gender has always been more than a binary

by Chris Wheatley

Painting of a crowded casino table with people playing cards and roulette. Green table and overhead light dominate the scene.

Knowledge and reason


What we gain by recognising the role of chance in life

Appreciating the world is random can foster perseverance, gratitude for our own luck and empathy for the plight of others

by Mark R Rank

Photo of a wall with graffiti in French reading “L’art c’est de la merde” meaning “Art is shit”.

Communication and language


Censoring offensive language threatens our freedom to think

The modern obsession with textual purity stems from a misapplication of the philosophies of Wittgenstein and Derrida

by Paul Ham

Photo of a person standing before a large, colourful cosmic map display with clumps of blue and orange speckles.

Virtues and vices


The medieval notion that shows why even experts should be humble

Nicholas of Cusa and others saw the importance of ‘learned ignorance’ or recognising there is always something more to learn

by Christopher M Bellitto

Photo of yellow tulips and pink flowers in soft focus, showing petals in detail with a blurred background.

History of ideas


I smell, therefore I am. On the philosophy of the olfactory

To truly grip us, philosophy must engage with the practical and animalistic. It’s time to stop turning its nose up at smell

by Simon Hajdini

A vintage photo showing people dressed in old-fashioned clothing, carrying baskets and bags, walking through a busy outdoor market area.

Thinkers and theories


How the feminist philosopher Helene Stöcker canonised Nietzsche

Despite Nietzsche’s reputation for misogyny, his work inspired a leading women’s rights activist of the early 20th century

by Lydia Moland