
Progress and the future

Photo of a river with gravel banks winding through a red autumn landscape, mountains in the background under a cloudy sky.

Nature and the environment


What does water want? Most humans seem to have forgotten

Asking what water wants sounds a bit mystical, even radical. But it’s a practical, proven path to creating a better world

by Erica Gies

Scene from a film with three men indoors, one holding a computer mouse. A badge reads “I quit smoking.”

Technology and media


What the journey from Star Trek to Siri says about our culture

The talking computer in Star Trek takes the culture and technology of the present and dreams up future possibilities

by Liz W Faber

Cover art of a science fiction magazine showing a man in a spacesuit contemplating a pill with food images behind him.

Food and drink


What our fantasies about futuristic food say about us

Once ‘future foods’ were powdered and automatic, but times change and today they have become about speed and social justice

by Kelly Alexander

Photo of four children lying on a rug eating from colourful trays on a wooden floor with a patterned carpet.

Progress and the future


Over-optimism about racial justice is widespread and harmful

Achieving racial justice takes work, but narratives of ever-unfolding progress can make it seem as if the job is already done

by Michael Kraus

Painting of a rural scene with a factory, hills, a man with a horse and two people sitting on a hill overlooking a train track.

Progress and the future


Utopian thinking prompts us to get real about society’s needs

Visions of utopia challenge what is considered to be realistic and help us start to see what must change in social life

by William Paris

A mannequin head with painted blue eyes and red lips, partially obscured by a blurred pink and white shape in the foreground.

Sex and sexuality


The sex tech to come could offer more than ‘the real thing’

Sexbots and other artificial lovers might arouse discomfort, but their continued advances could have unexpected upsides

by Rob Brooks

Black and white photo of a bathroom with a pedestal sink, two taps and a geometric counter, on a tiled floor.



The sink in the hall: how pandemics transform architecture

From the sink in the hall to the UV light in the bus depot: how pandemics past and present can transform architecture

by Theodora Philcox

Photo of a person using facial recognition in a dimly lit hallway with illuminated screens on the walls.

Technology and media


Should we be concerned that the decisions of AIs are inscrutable?

Machine learning is a black box – even when the decision is correct, how the algorithm arrived at it can be a mystery

by John Zerilli