History of ideas

Civic life
Don’t be stoic: Roman Stoicism’s origins show its perniciousness
Stoicism might help you as an individual. But we need a philosophy that doesn’t dull us to the injustices of the world
by Henry Gruber

History of emotions
Neuroscience has much to learn from Hume’s philosophy of emotions
According to philosopher David Hume, it takes a lifetime to get our emotions right. Neuroscience has much to learn from him
by Richard C Sha

History of ideas
How to read philosophy
The first thing to remember is that the great philosophers were only human. Then you can start disagreeing with them
by Charlie Huenemann

History of ideas
An audiovisual odyssey into the heavens of astronomy and myth
A film by Bill Morrison

History of ideas
Ancient Indian texts reveal the liberating power of metaphysics
Indian metaphysics presented a philosophical route to a higher level of existence beyond limits of space and time
by Jessica Frazier

The self
When your authenticity is an act, something’s gone wrong
Authenticity has changed from an inward gaze to a social display. Can we reconcile the performance with the real thing?
by Joseph E Davis

Thinkers and theories
How to deconstruct the world
Don’t believe everything you hear, read and watch. To puncture received ideas about culture, start thinking like Jacques Derrida
by Peter Salmon

Anxiety isn’t a pathology. It drives us to push back the unknown
‘I’m anxious, therefore I enquire.’ Anxiety isn’t a problem to be solved; it drives philosophical enquiry and makes us human
by Samir Chopra

Thinkers and theories
To Karl Jaspers, uncertainty is not to be overcome but understood
The existentialist Karl Jaspers believed uncertainty ungirds human existence: better to recognise this than rage against it
by Carmen Lea Dege

How to think differently about love
Poets, philosophers and scientists all tell stories about the nature of romantic love. It can be liberating to critique them
by Arina Pismenny