Disorders and difficulties

The shame felt in addiction often isn’t toxic – it’s healing
The push to take shame out of recovery is well-meaning. But it overlooks the power this emotion has to motivate change
by Owen Flanagan

Worry and rumination
What if your worry problem is really a planning problem?
Clinicians have long recognised the link between worry and planning. New research asks what this means for managing anxiety
by Paul B Sharp

Emotion regulation
How to compare yourself with others fairly
Ever worry that you don’t measure up? These CBT-based practices can make social comparison less painful and more productive
by Joel Minden

Change and self-development
A wool puppet’s stirring journey from safety into the great unknown
A film by Kobi Vogman

Cognitive and behavioural therapies
Instead of wrestling with self-defeating thoughts, try this
When your own thoughts discourage and undermine you, it’s easy to get tangled. A change of strategy could get you past it
by Joe Oliver & Kristy Potter

Civic life
Disappointment is not just a feeling – it’s a political force
When political regimes fail us, don’t turn to optimism. It’s disappointment that holds the radical potential for change
by Rafael Holmberg

How to support someone with depression
Being there for someone can be challenging. A clinical psychologist shares what to say and do to help them feel less alone
by Emma Cotterill

Trauma and PTSD
How small creatures helped James connect with the human-scale world
Directed by Spencer MacDonald

The loss remains, so why does intense grief usually fade?
Grief’s ‘double vision’ beholds both the bereaved and dead. Recognising this duality helps explain our ability to move on
by Berislav Marušić

Virtues and vices
Social comparison is driving us to despair. It doesn’t have to
In the social media age, it seems impossible not to measure ourselves against others – but we can dodge the worst pitfalls
by Wojciech Kaftański

How to forgive (even if they’re unrepentant)
Feeling ill will toward someone who harmed you is natural but draining. You can let it go, whether you reconcile or not
by Richard S Balkin

A filmmaker’s never-realised ideas become an exploration of self-doubt
Directed by Cameron Nicoll